Everyone knows that cars need regular service, and that it’s less expensive to perform preventive maintenance than it is to pay for breakdowns. Complex systems operate longer and more efficiently with regular maintenance.

Unfortunately, most home owners don’t think about the health of their home’s heating, air conditioning and electrical, systems, until something goes wrong. The consequences - furnace breakdowns, bursting pipes, and blown circuits - can be inconvenient, expensive, and even dangerous.

 The Trades Meister offers Preventive Maintenance Programs that help you to plan your required maintenance around your schedule and your budget. Our services ensure that our customers' electrical and HVAC, systems all operate at maximum efficiency, and they significantly reduce the likelihood of expensive emergency repairs. We warranty all repairs, parts, and labor completed during planned maintenance inspections

Planned maintenance offers a number of benefits. It allows our customers to lock in rates to accurately budget their maintenance expenses. It also enables us to offer a lower hourly rate. Thirdly, by assigning a primary technician to each account, we are able to build familiarity with our customers' systems, which helps us deliver effective and cost-efficient service. Finally, planned maintenance customers benefit from 24-hour priority emergency service.

If you would like to speak to about your needs and our services, please contact us at:

905 302 0685

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